Monday, September 5, 2016

The Week of Gibberish! 9/04/16

Sua sdei/ Xin Chao!

This week, Chi Trinh and I are trying to amp our language study and so have been trying to combine all three languages when we speak to each other. Sometimes, we say things in Khmer that end up being really bad things in Vietnamese. E.G. one of the words for how in Khmer translates to "I have to pee" to Vietnamese and Chi Trinh thinks it's hilarious. Hahah

This week, our investigator Chi Loan dropped us because she is following too many religions to add another one on haha. We asked her if we could just read the Book of Mormon with her and she said, "yeah probably not" and so we bore our testimony to her and left. It was way sad. 

This week, I FINALLY GOT TO SEE SISTER LUKE AND IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. She came into the mission home, we locked eyes and screamed and ran into each other's sweaty arms and just held each other and cried. I think that's what it's like when you meet your loved ones again in heaven, right? If so, that was one of the best feelings ever and I can't wait. That was tender mercy number one. 

On Monday, we took Chi Trinh out for her birthday! We took her out to lunch and let her eat TWO WHOLE bowls of Pho all by herself. And then, we headed back to the mission home where Sister Leavitt bought her a box of ice cream that she ended up passing out to everyone else. And then the other viet sisters surprised her with a cinnamon bun hahah It wasn't much, but when we got home and reevaluated our day, Chi Trinh just cried and said she was just so happy because she had never had a real birthday before. That was tender mercy number two.

Since a lot of the members here are preparing to go to the temple in November, they are meeting with President Christensen to get approved financial aid to pay for the trip. A lot of them asked us to translate for them this week and of course we were more than happy to do so! I got to translate for one of the counselors in the district presidency. President just asked him about his living situation and how long he had been a member and what his source of income was. At the end of the interview, President asked Chu Dung if he had any questions. Chu Dung took off his glasses with tears in his eyes and pulled out a really dingy tissue. He said, "I have waited 16 years for this opportunity" and just buried his face in the tissue and cried. It was such a tender moment. I am so happy the Saints here are finally getting the chance to attend the temple. That was tender mercy number three.

Also, I got an awesome package of letters from the Relief Society back in Lewis Center. Shout out to all you moms, you're the best and I am grateful for your support. Tender mercy number four. 

I love this work so much! I am grateful for this time we have to preach the gospel 24/7. It's crazy to think that this is the only time we'll ever have in our lives that is 100% completely devoted to spreading the word. I know Heavenly Father's hand is in this work. I know Christ lives and He loves us. 


Chi Ca Wing 

My memory card literally just got a virus as soon as I finished this letter so I can't send you pictures dang it. hahah 
 Imagine this,
1 Our entire zone got matching t-shirts with Troy Bolton's face on the front to amp zone unity. 
2 The grossest picture of me and Sister Luke drenched in sweat hugging each other 

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